Pioneers of Silence

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have been entering blogs in Ananda’s Mantra for three and a half years.

At the beginning of 2021 I began an “Adventure into a Year of Silence.

Every morning, I invite the bell which guides me into the deep silence of my heart and I let the words flow onto the computer screen for ten minutes.

I noticed early on that each day’s writing flows like a blog entry.

Today, I am resolved to shift total focus on my writing to the journal writing journey for the rest of the year.

I envision being able to get serious about writing a novel of life lessons life experience has taught me.

Ananda’s Mntra has served its purpose for the time being.

Imagine the silence of listening to your heart each day for ten minutes, listening deeply as your whole being returns to this home called Earth.

gOnce amonth our guide leads us into a new lesson on listening in the silence.

She is a master dharma teacher.

This year-long workshop is her service.

Just holding a monthly meditation and an occasional group labyrinth walk is my service right now and it is enough as I spend this year adventuring into the silence and listening to my heart’s desire for me at this end of my incarnation on Earth.

When I write like this, I am happy.

What I learn from my heart, comes directly from the collective energy field.

My body is aging, my heart is growing, reaching out its arms for communion with the diverse perspectives existing in the chaos of radical change.

I am not waiting to forge a new path.

I show up in a place with othters and sometimes inspire, sometimes bserve, always listening, always writing in the silence.

Pioneers create the future. I am a pioneer of my own destiny.

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